Well we’re back from Majorca two weeks now, and being honest we had a terrible time!! When we arrived, it was raining with thunder and lightning and when we arrived at our apartments we were told that our reservation had been cancelled!!!We couldn’t believe it! We asked why but they weren’t sure so said that would see if they had another room available....One hour later we have a room and discover that it has two single beds and a leak in the bath tap!grrrr...needless to say we were so peed off but decided to try to make the best of a bad situation. That first evening we went for a walk along the beach promenade, had a Chinese meal and found a tame bird who let us rub him and feed him. At first we thought he was ill, but he was eating and hopping along so must have been okay. Anyway, come the second morning we woke up to more rain and found out that we had no hot water! (Can this get any worse?!)lol...We made a complaint with reception and were told that they would look into it, but come our last day we still had no warm water and had to endure cold showers and showers on the beach. We really felt like just packing up and coming home but had heard that the weather was going to improve so decided to stick it out. Thursday came and the weather was great, we got up early, put our summer gear on and headed to Marineland! We had a great day there and then headed to the beach and hired a paddle boat for an hour. It was the best day we’d had there by far and unfortunately the last...the bad weather had returned by Friday morning and lasted for the rest of our stay. We ever thought we’d say this but we couldn’t wait to get home.
We made it home to Dublin at about 3.30pm and the weather was great!Not a cloud in the sky!Typical huh?We leave rainy Dublin for a sun holiday and get rain and then arrive home to sunshine!haha! We’ve decided to make a complaint to budget travel and seek some form of compensation. So far they have just said “thank you for your e-mail and we are sorry for any inconvenience caused, please allow 6-8 weeks for us to investigate this matter...” We have a feeling that they’re just going to try and fob us off though so have decided to take it to the Small Claims Court now. It only costs a couple of Euro to make a claim so let’s see what happens.
Unfortunately the holiday was a disaster but we’re planning on going somewhere else now before the end of the year. We had to cancel our trip to Greece last year because we didn’t have enough money, but we’re going to try to go there in September sometime.
Roll on September!wowhooo
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Holidays & Bargains!
Just 1 more day until we leave for Majorca!!Cannot wait!Finally managed to buy a new suitcase a couple of weeks ago which Abhi managed to get for a discounted price of €25. We had been watching Don’t Get Done Get Dom (http://www.bbc.co.uk/consumer/tv_and_radio/get_dom/beontheshow.shtml) a few weeks back which is hosted by Dominic Littlewood. Basically he helps people who have either had trouble with retailers due to over pricing etc. or helps people to “bag a bargain”. Anyway, we were standing outside the suitcase shop on Henry Street and I said “let’s try to bargain with them and see what happens!”hehe…The suitcases were already reduced by 30%, so I did think it was a bit cheeky to try to bargain with them, but said we’d give it a try anyway.
So, Abhi starts by trying to build up some rapport with our sales assistant, asking him where he’s from and how long he’s been here, then quickly asks “can we get this for €25 instead of €30? We already seen one that we like in Argos and that one is just €25”. The poor guy doesn’t know what to say and eventually says “well, I can give you two for €50”. Abhi explains that he already has a suitcase and that we just need one for me, so there would be no point in buying two. So, the sales assistant then says that he can ask his boss and see what he says. It turns out that his boss is the man standing behind us looking like a security guard!lol…He has overheard the whole conversation and says “yeah, that’s fine….take it for €25. That’s the bargain of the day!”…So all in all we saved €5, not bad for a first attempt but I’ll definitely try to do again in future.I mean the worst they can say is no and if not then at least you can make some kind of saving. So the next time you go shopping, give it a try. You might just end up saving some money, which for us is €5 more towards our goodies fund!hehe…We have a saving box at home which we’re putting money into each day which is going towards paying for chocolate and drink when we’re on our way to Majorca!!If you have any luck or make any good bargains please let us know!We’d love to hear how you got on!We’re flying out at 8.15am in the morning and will arrive in Palma Nova at approximately 11.50am, so will get most of the first day there. The hotel that we’re staying in is called Pinos Mar and has some very good reviews, so hopefully everything will go okay!I just can’t wait to get to the beach and put my feet in the sea. It’s been two years since I last done that so am really counting the days at the moment! Poor Abhi has never stepped foot on a beach in his whole life so it will be a great experience for him! This is both our first time to Majorca so if anyway has ever been there and can recommend some good places to go to, please let us know. We’ll be taking loads of pictures as well, so should be fun!
We’ll write more soon!Bye
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Have recently just received my 3V card which is a card which you can use to make purchases online, without the use of a credit card! Sounds great doesn't it?! I had heard about 3V about a year ago but never took the time to look into it any further, but with my own credit rating being in the red I decided to see what it was all about. Basically, you sign up via www.3v.ie, receive a card in the post and then use the card in participating outlets to obtain a unique 14 digit visa style number to be used online.
At the moment, 3V can only be used in Ireland, the UK and Germany, but it's a great idea isnt it?especially when you've had bad experiences with credit cards and find it hard to make payments, with this you pay for how much you want to spend before you receive the visa number, so there's no interest and no chance of debt (unless of course you're a shopaholic like myself and just don't know when to stop spending money!lol). I haven't yet used it but am sure I'll get to put it to good use soon! I have my holiday to Majorca this Saturday so can't afford to spend any more money until after I get back. Also, just so that you know, there is an extra charge to purchase a visa number and that's €5, so for example if you were purchasing a visa number to the value of €100, you would in fact have to pay a tota of €105 altogether! At first I thought that was a bit unfair, but when I thought of how much interest I have paid on my credt card in the past it's not much at all.
So, if you like to buy things online and don't have/want a credit card, I would really recommend 3V! I want to use mine now!!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
This is our pet rat Reggie. Yes, he is a rat and no, he is not like the rats that you see in films running around sewers and spreading disease, lol. He is a domestic rat, which means that he is tame and does not carry any diseases. Rats have been domesticated since the late 19th century and make great pets. Rats are sociable, intelligent animals and can be trained to use a litter box, come when called, and perform a variety of tricks..(this is according to Wikipedia.org)
I got the idea of buying a rat after moving into our apartment. Unfortunately our landlord wouldn’t allow us to have dogs or cats, which I can understand. But I’ve always had pets, mainly dogs, since the day I was born so found that I missed having them around. I remembered seeing a programme about pet rats on a TV show called “The Late Late Show” on RTE1 and thought they were cute, so set my heart on buying one as a pet. Originally, I had bought one rat who was just five weeks old and who I called Roland (after Roland the rat, this was a puppet from a 1980’s morning show on BBC) hehe...Anyway, he wasn’t on his own for long and two weeks later I bought one of his brothers and called him Smurf (there are only so many popular rat names so ran out of names after Roland!)lol, but I thought Smurf sounded cute so that was the name I chose. Anyway, after about 6 months both Roland and Smurf accidentally got poisoned. We had used an air freshener in our room, not realising that some of it had got on their food and poisoned them! It was very sad, but after waiting another couple of months, I decided to buy a new one and named him after his pet food!haha...
I have to say, he is a great pet. We spent a lot more time with Reggie so he can come when he’s called and loves to snuggle up with me on the sofa. He’s also very mischievous and when we let him out of his cage and turn our back on him he usually disappears behind the sofa or runs into the kitchen to look for crumbs!!:) He’s great fun though and because he eats everything he comes in handy when it comes to getting rid of leftovers.
People have a lot of misconceptions about domestic rats and just assume that they are like wild rats, but they’re really not. They never bite or become vicious like wild rats and love having their bellies and ears scratched!!
The downside of course is the fact that they generally only live for about two years..very short I know, but this is due to the fact that a lot of their ancestors were used in labs and were given cancer and other forms of disease. Even so, if you really look after your pet rat and get them checked up regularly there is no reason why they can’t live longer. There have been some rats that have lived to 7 and onwards so it is possible.
Our little Reggie should hopefully have a new companion soon. He’s been on his own for a few months now and we feel it’s only fair that he has some Company when we’re not here. If he had his choice we would be getting a Mrs Reggie but unfortunately, it’s very expensive to get female rats spayed and it also can cause complications which can lead to death so we’ll be looking for another male.
Well, I hope this changes some misconceptions about rats, and I would definitely recommend them as a pet, just look at how cute Reggie is!!;)
Friday, April 25, 2008
My Top 10 Useful & Interesting Websites!
My Top 10 Useful & Interesting Websites
1. www.bitoffun.com
The description is in the name. A fun site with video clips, pictures, things to do, brainteasers and cool links to other related sites.
2. www.spypig.com
This is a site which allows you to find out if and when an e-mail has been received and read. It’s free to sign up and strictly private so the reader of your e-mail won’t know!
3. www.jump2mail.com
This is a great site! Allows you to check multiple e-mail accounts from one account. For example you can check your gmail, yahoo and hotmail account for e-mails all at the same time.
4. www.offsurf.com
Not able to view certain websites in work or in college?Go to offsurf.com, enter in the website that you wish to view and bingo!
5. www.meebo
If you want to chat online but don’t want to install messenger etc. to your computer. Go to meebo.com, log in with your details and chat! Another one of my favourites!
6. www.deezer.com
Listen to thousands of songs online from all different countries. Unfortunately you can not download the songs but is great for coming across bands/singers that you have never heard of before.
7. www.flickr.com
Just signed up with flickr on Wednesday and think it’s great!You can upload photos to your account and use these to create slideshows etc to place on your own website/blog. Worth having a look at.
8. www.bored.com
Haha, love this site! Used to use it a lot in my last job when I worked night shifts. This site has a whole list of different things to keep you occupied, from playing games, trivia, strange stories/facts, quizzes etc. If you are ever bored have a look at this site!
9. www.bidvertiser.com
Do you have your own blog or webpage and want to make some earnings? Place some of bidvertiser’s ads on your site and every time somebody clicks on their ads you earn money. It’s that simple.
10. www.slightlyinteresting.com
This is a good one that I came across today. Has some interesting links and information about a wide range of things.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Online Shopping -v- Store Shopping
I have to admit that I’m addicted to both, but recently I started to think, which is better. Is it better to shop from the comfort of your own home/office as opposed to the physical act of getting up, taking money out of the A.T.M (or bringing the laser/credit card along!) and going into the shops. In this article, I’m going to discuss the pros and cons of internet shopping and store shopping.
Why Online Shopping?
I first came across the idea of buying things online about 3 years ago. I had heard of online shopping before but always thought, “what’s the point in shopping online and paying postage & packaging costs when you can just go out and buy something yourself?”. I had a friend’s 21st party coming up, and after going into town and going to my usual clothes shops, such as Miss Selfridge, A-Wear and Dorothy Perkins; I could not seem to find anything to appeal to me. I left my search for that day but thought, I have to get something before the weekend so decided to come back again on Thursday (late night shopping). Anyway, I perused the shops again and still couldn’t find anything that I liked. I was starting to panic now and if any men are reading this I know they’ll be thinking, “well why didn’t you just wear something that you had already?”, but us women know that we usually hate wearing the same outfit twice! I love clothes and shopping and wanted to get myself something new! Anyway to make this short, I was online on my Pigsback.com account and just happened to click on the “Shop and earn” link, which brought up a list of online stores from which you can buy and earn piggy points at the same time. I browsed through and came across a clothes site called “Asos.com”, so thought “hmmm..let’s have a look at this!” I came across a great green and silver cami top and a lovely pair of light denim jeans. When I checked how much the total order came to along with p&p, it only came to €57, so it wasn’t that expensive either.
I have never had any bad experiences as such from shopping online, apart from receiving an item that I didn’t order (that happened once) and receiving items of clothing or shoes that didn’t fit. However, one big drawback of shopping online is the delay in receiving your item, especially if you are relying on it for a special occasion or whatever the case may be, time delays can and will happen some times. Also, credit cards are needed for most online shopping sites too and if you’re like me, this can be dangerous. I’ve got caught up in the excitement and comfort of shopping online and only realise how much by the time my credit card statement arrives. So if you are in anyway, bad with credit card payments or already have a large enough sum to pay off, I would strongly recommend THAT YOU DO NOT USE YOUR CREDIT CARD!
My rating for shopping online is: 8/10
Why Store Shopping?
Well store shopping has its very own obvious advantages, namely we get to see exactly what we might be buying. We can feel the material, check the fitting and try on many different items. I personally hate trying on clothes while out shopping, so even when I do end up buying something and realise that it’s not the right fit etc. it’s just a matter of walking back to the shop and changing it for something else. Unlike with online shopping, you have to post the item back (and pay p&p) and also wait a couple of days for a refund or for a new item to be received.
Store shopping is also fun. You can’t really call your friends over to your place to shop online with each other, but when store shopping you can tag some of your friends along, get their opinions and all the while catching up on some chit chat. Maybe some people do this while shopping online, but even if they do, it’s not quite the same. You can’t go home that same day and look at the items you’ve bought, instead you have to wait to receive them to see if you really like them.
Personally, I think store shopping has a lot more advantages than online shopping. It gets us out and about, we get to see a wider range of items and can have any item that we purchase in our hands within a couple of minutes!Simple!
My rating for store shopping is: 10/10
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Living and Studying in Ireland
Ireland has been ranked as the 8th most expensive city out of a total of 71 that have been reviewed according to UBS.
The minimum wage in Ireland is currently €8.65, below I have converted this amount into a few different currencies to get an idea of how it compares to your own:
$13.78 (USD)
$13.91 (CAD)
13.75 (CHF)
96.38 (CNY)
£6.97 (GBP)
63.61 (INR)
Tourist Destination Cost Surveys -Ireland is in second place to Norway in a cost survey of 12 holiday destinations. However from our own experience, a tourist in Dublin is likely to pay less for a comparable lunch than in central Paris. A half litre of beer such as Carlsberg in a typical Paris brassiere can cost up to €9 ($11), compared with €4.70 in Dublin. On the food side, the pub lunch in Dublin is much better value than the typical lunch in Paris. An espresso coffee typically costs about 15% more in Paris.
A meal for 2-two courses plus coffee and a bottle of wine in a typical Dublin restaurant costs in the range €60-€80 (£40-£54; $72-$96 USD). A bottle of house wine costs about €20 but some restaurants provide low quality house wines- i.e. below the quality of an €8 bottle in a supermarket. This is according to http://www.finfacts.ie/bestbuys.htm
Studying in Ireland
According to http://www.learning.ie/living_in_ireland/cost_of_living_in_ireland.html, the average amount of money required for studying and living in Ireland per every 9 months amounts to €10,500 and €12,500 and this is minus tuition fees.
Below I have provided addresses for some of the most popular and best places to study in Ireland:
Trinity College: www.tcd.ie
UCD: www.ucd.ie
DCU: www.dcu.ie
Shannon College: www.shannoncollege.com
DIT: www.dit.ie
Dublin Business School: www.dbs.ie
National University of Ireland: www.nui.ie/www.nuim.ie
For more information on studying in Ireland, I have provided a few more helpful links below:
I hope this is of some help. But if you have any other questions please don't hesitate to contact us. Our e-mail address is bloggersgallerio@gmail.com
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
What Would You Like To See On Our Blog?
Ok, so we've set up our blog page and have added a few posts but would like to receive some feedback from you and to find out "what would you like to see on our blog?"
Being honest, until last week, I never knew it was so easy to set up a blog page!I had heard of blogs and come across a few blogs while browsing on the net but never actually got the idea of setting one up myself until my boyfriend told me about it. We talked about it and then one day he told me that he'd set up a page and after I had seen it and seen how easy it actually was to add content and to manage, I was hooked!hehe..It's a great time pass and if we get enough people to come by and invest some time in our blog I'm sure that we can make it into something interesting and fun. So that's why I'm publishing this post...I NEED YOUR HELP!lol...Mainly I would like for you to tell me any comments that you have about this blog, how we can improve and any content that you would like for us to add. It can be anything at all (within reason!), but please feel free to pass your comments on.
Oh and for any of our foreign viewers, we have added a translator at the top of our page which will allow you to translate our blog into your own language. This nifty little gadget is thanks to Google Gadgets which I came across at home last night. Has so many quirky and fun things that you can add to your site such as calenders, games (it has Sonic the hedgehog and Mario!!)quotes and loads more. It's also really easy to add these to your own site so take a look at the website, it's called http://www.google.com/ig/directory?synd=open.
Ok, I'll leave this here for now, but we're expecting to see some comments very soon, so please if you're bored and have nothing else to do, pass on any comments that you might have!:o)
The Bloggers!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Buying Cosmetics
Friday, April 11, 2008
I Want To Shop Online!
They deliver to the following countries:
(GB refers to England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales)(Holland refers to The Netherlands)
A Andorra Australia Austria
B Belgium Brazil
C Canada Canary Islands China (including Hong Kong) Corsica Cyprus
D Denmark
F Finland France
G Germany Greece
H Holland
I India Ireland Italy
J Japan
L Luxembourg
M Malta Mexico Monaco
N Netherlands New Zealand Norway
P Portugal
S San Marino Singapore South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland
T Taiwan
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Exam tips for all!
Guidelines for sitting exams
Never panic yourself
- Have a set place to study away from distractions - your favourite desk in library, or at home. Have all essential materials.
- Consider now the demand for library books. Borrow now/photocopy. Make sure you have complete set of lecture notes.
- Divide your subject into topics. Look at past papers. Decide what you are going to concentrate on and make a study plan.
- Time yourself - don't be unrealistic - you can't do a four-hour stretch. Factor in short breaks.
- Keep a study timetable - mix it up - subject you don't like, followed by a course that you like.
- Revise in the morning, what you did the previous day - even for only ten minutes. Memory is a building process.
Stay healthy - eat well, sleep well and stay off the caffeine. Some people make changes such as drinking more coffee or Red Bull or other stimulants - don't!! The only way to maintain alertness and concentration are through getting enough sleep and through studying consistently, little and often.
Do something active when you take a break from study: perhaps go to the gym or take a walk. Get plenty of fresh air and light. It is best not to meet friends for study breaks, until you have done plenty of work - it can be distracting.
I hope all these tips will help you score well in your exams, if you have any other ideas or good tips please feel free to comment. Thanks!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Live Healthy!
These days we are living longer than any other time in history! Our life's primary goal should be to stay healthy and look after ourselves in a way so that we can live longer and healthier and be happier! We have a lot of medicines to cure ailments and other drugs to help us through diesease and illness! But as the saying goes "Prevention is Better than cure", we should follow a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise, healthy eating habits etc.
Our daily (or for really busy people atleast weekly) routine should include some sort of exercise, be it a morning walk or going to gym or playing a sport of our choice. I would recommend a little walk to be the least of exercise for our body on a daily basis. It helps us get fresh air in the morning, which gives us plenty of oxygen so that our body can function as it was designed to. It not only gives us a huge supply of fresh air but also works out our muscles. Talking about sport, I think swimming is the best way to stay healthy and enjoy ourselves at the same time! It is the only sport or exercise that works out every muscle in your body.
So go out there get going and keep yourself fit to live a happy and healthy life! Here are some vital and very useful foods which are very beneficial to our body and its well being :-
Apricots: rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and fiber
Bananas: high in magnesium and potassium; both help the circulatory system
Beans: rich in protein and complex carbohydrates as well as a low-fat source of B vitamins, iron, folic acid, potassium and magnesium
Broccoli: contains vitamins A and C, beta-carotene and fiber
Carrots: Studies show what two carrots every other day reduce the risk of stroke by half for men with symptoms of heart disease.
Chili peppers: work as an antioxidant and also have blood-thinning properties, helping to lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of strokes and stimulate the release of endorphins
Citrus fruits: contain bioflavonoids and vitamin C, which boost the immune system and reduce the risk of cancer
Cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil: has anti-inflammatory properties which can lower the risk of heart disease, colon cancer and Alzheimer’s disease
Dark chocolate: contains antioxidants and blood-thinning properties which boost the production of nitric acid in blood vessels, helping to protect against stroke and heart disease
Garlic: thought to lower cholesterol and blood pressure
Green tea: contains polyphenols, which help prevent heart disease, cancer and stroke
Mangoes: contain bioflavonoids, which aid the immune system
Mushrooms: contain beta-glucon, which stimulates the immune system
Oats: lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Containing both soluble and insoluble fiber, they are also thought to reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Pumpkins: contain phytochemicals, which keep your skin looking young and protects it from sun damage
Salmon: contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight heart disease. It is also rich in calcium, magnesium, protein and B vitamins.
Soybeans and tofu: lower LDL cholesterol levels in blood, helping protect against heart disease
Spices: almost all spices have ‘super’ properties. Cinnamon has insulin-like effects that might help prevent type-II diabetes and lower cholesterol
Spinach: contains vitamins A and C, folic acid and magnesium, which help reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke, as well as block free radicals
Strawberries: can help prevent cancer
Tomatoes: high in antioxidants, boosting immunity and protecting against degenerative diseases
Walnuts: lower the risk of cardiovascular disease with healthy fats
Yogurt: boosts the immune system
There are crisis in the world everywhere you see these days. But the Tibet crisis has lasted decades and still hasn't been resolved. China, as others would believe, believes that treaties signed under international law are binding on those countries signing them, unless the country is not coerced into signing them by threat or by force. After the invasion of Tibet by China, when the small Tibetan army was defeated, the People's Republic of China imposed a treaty on Tibetan Government under which Tibet was declared a part of China. Now in theory China claims that this treaty was entered entirely voluntarily by the Tibetans & their government. Also that Dalai Lama & his people welcomed the move & the treaty. The facts are however different, the so called 17 point agreement was never validly concluded and the Tibetans rejected it.
"It was absurd to refer to the terms of the Seventeen-Point Agreement. Our people did not accept the agreement and the Chinese themselves had repeatedly broken the terms of it. Their army was still in occupation of eastern Tibet; the area had not been returned to the government of Tibet, as it should have been. [My Land and My People, Dalai Lama, New York, Fourth Edition, 1992, p.95]"
After which started the long course of suffering and torture for the poor Tibetans. It is a fact that the Tibetans tried to negotiate amicably with the Chinese but to no avail, all of their proposals were rejected and the ones suggested by the Chinese were imposed forcefully which led to a lot of blood shed which is still prevalent.
I dont understand why the Chinese Government cant act humane after all these decades and all the cruelties and atrocities they have committed on these peace loving relegious people. Here are some links to recent developments in Tibet and the world:-
About time!
I have been thinking to create my own website or a blog for the last year or so. So I thought it is about time that I put my words to action! Even though I have final year college exams starting in the next 3 weeks! So that aside I want to talk to other people about a lot of things, like general knowledge, current affairs, relationship & career advice and even food recipies! I will be making changes here & there on this blog within the next few weeks so bear with me to give this blog page a good image! I am new to all this so it will take some time for me to start writing things and building on them!! Enjoy blogging!!